Hey Panos! Thanks for identifying this typo error, it has been amended! 🙂
I did not see any mention of CPU CORES or is that not important?
how many CORES in required for a smooth sailing of wordpress sites with atleast 30 plugins per site?
I’m positive this once was a great source for requirements, but as the information is now somewhat dated would it not be less confusing to instead link to the below resources?
Hardware reguirements:
Software reguirements:
Hi Harald, the blog post is now updated. Thank you kindly for your input.
hello, what exactly did you mean about “The minimum amount of RAM required for installing and running Plesk on Linux is 1 GB + 1 GB swap”
Does it means that at least 2GB of RAM?
I’d like to deploy new server with this spesification;
1 vCPU
1 GB Memory
1 TB Bandwidth
Does it enough to install plesk and run my website there?
Hi Christy Han,
It is still recommended to have SWAP. Actually, the exact specification depends on the website: used technologies, load, etc. Although you can start with minimal requirements, we advise you to be ready to increase your resources. You can always reach out to our dedicated support, as they will be able to look at your situation more closely. Hope this helps.
Needs correction on the amount of ram. It’s 128MB not 128GB on “128GB of RAM will handle most websites. For example:”.